Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Locked my Keys Inside my Car, Again.

This website has other people like me who have locked their keys inside the car. Some stories are worse, and others are just bad days like mine. I was looking for other people who share my pain, and found it here. heres mine.

I woke up late; the day was already going downhill. Then, I went to take a shower; I dropped my wallet into the toilet. I should have known by then that this was foreshadowing how the rest of my day was heading… straight down the toilet.

When I get to class we had an exam that I swore I thought was going to be on Wednesday, but as my luck on the day it was moved to Monday. After the exam, I headed right over to Urban Outfitters, so that I could return a dress for a smaller size. I went in with high hopes, and after twenty minutes of listening to the cashier talk to five different stores; I left with a lesser dress I knew wasn’t going to be liked.

I reach for my door handle and see a sparkle in the corner of my eye--"the keys!" I yelled at myself.

I almost snapped; I almost cried--because this was the second time in the same month that I had locked my keys inside a car. "When will I learn?" I cried out in frustration.

 I tried everything I could think of: I tried to push the windows down to see if it would give. I even googled how to break into a car, but was pointless because it said I needed a Slim Jim. I scouted the whole downtown area for a police officer. The only thing I ended up getting was my forehead sun burnt, and I spent 45 dollars to get someone to open it--money well spent.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Wonder Years front man, Dan "soupy" Campbell, shares his beliefs on organized religion

Taking Back Sunday School: The Wonder Years’ Dan “Soupy” Campbell clarifies his thoughts on religion
“If we're all just Christians or Lions, then I think I'd rather be on the side with sharper teeth. I don't need saving.” With lyrics like this from the song "I won't say the lord's prayer" people might think the singer for The Wonder Years, Dan Campbell, might just have a bone to pick with religion.

Dan Campbell goes to state in the interview with Alternative Press; “In any religion, one of the pillars or principles is, 'This is the correct religion and there are no gods but your god.' So to a certain extent, anyone who believes in Christianity or anyone that believes in Islam or Judaism is at the same time saying that the Islamic faith is wrong—which is pretty much the same thing I'm saying [by believing in no particular faith at all]. I believe all of these things I've been brought up to believe and have been pushed on me since I was younger; they're all wrong and false. Not that every principle of the religion is bad, but the crux of it is that I've been lied to.”

He also takes a swing at the Westboro Baptists in the song “Dynamite Shovel" he says,

“Rest stop in Tennessee, I found where the ignorant fucks of the world meet for donuts and coffee spewing rhetoric I thought was reserved for Westboro Baptist and lunatics like that. These small town minds stay small. The world evolved so stay in your shithole. We're moving on.” I can appreciate the fact that he is speaking his mind and talking about what he doesn’t see as right in the world and taking on religious ideals, and The Westboro Baptists.

The Wonder Years--"I won't say the lords prayer"

The Wonder Years--"Dynamite Shovel".

Alternative Press.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Paintings by Jeff Soto

I have seen Jeff Sotos artwork around for some time now, and I have always been able to just stare at one of his works for around ten days straight. There is always something new to find in the colorful, detailed background, or in the foreground. He also interests me because we share the same last name of Soto.
"The artist’s distinct color palette, subject matter and technique resonate with a growing audience and bridge the gap between Pop Surrealism and graffiti. Inspired by youthful nostalgia, nature, graffiti, hip-hop and popular culture, his bold, representational work is simultaneously accessible and stimulating" as stated by his mini biography on his website.

For the entire collection of Jeff Sotos painting visit his website:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pothole Gardening

I found these photos to be a breath of fresh air; no lie, every single photo he has taken of his pothole gardens are spectacular in every sense. This guy, Steve Wheen, doesn't claim to be the first pothole gardener or guerrilla gardener at that, but to me, he has some of the best pieces  I have seen.

He creates these great detailed works in spaces which seem to be very unlikely places they would sprout up and grow. Steve Wheen also includes a link to his other website which has all his professional works with producing and other media. He is very interesting. 

 All photos were taken from: http://thepotholegardener.com/
His other website: http://stevewheen.com/

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome Reader(s)

My name is Jesus, this is going to be a collection of the random posts for my Journalism class, Writing for the Web. This is my first blog. I'm excited to get this up and running. I'll have new posts every week. Thanks.